Find answers to the most common questions about our service and meals.
What is the nutritional content of Meals on Wheels lunches?
All of our meals are developed by a registered dietitian and our partner restaurants and meal vendors. The menu changes daily with a variety of entrées, including vegetarian meals. Each meal provides 1/3 of the Dietary Reference Intake to help seniors stay healthy.
How often does the menu change?
The menu is on a four-week rotation with different meal items each day of the week. Menus are reviewed and updated, taking into consideration participant feedback.
Do you provide special dietary meals?
At this time, we do not provide special dietary meals. However, the monthly menu does indicate meals that are high in sodium, and nutritional information is provided for each meal to make it easier to fit into your daily diet.
Do seniors need to pay for their meals?
There is no fee to receive home-delivered meals or dine at an All Seasons Cafe. We do invite participants to contribute $6.00 per meal, but this is voluntary and confidential, and no one is denied a meal if they don’t wish to make a contribution.
Does Meals on Wheels eligibility include meeting income guidelines?
Meals on Wheels mandate is to serve those “most at risk.” Eligibility for the home-delivered meals program is determined by need, not income. During the initial assessment, applicants may be asked about their household personal income level. However, this is not a deciding factor for service. To receive home-delivered meals, the individual must reside in Sacramento County, aged 60 years or better, and be frail or homebound with limited or no support.
Can Meals on Wheels provide meals to individuals under 60 years old?
Home Delivered Meals: The only time we provide a home-delivered meal to someone under 60 is when they are under the care of someone who meets our existing eligibility criteria and is in need of meals too.
Community Cafe: Individuals under 60 are required to pay a guest fee of $15.00 per meal.
How long do Meals on Wheels participants receive meals?
Those individuals applying for home-delivered meal service are assigned to a Caseworker who completes an assessment in the applicant’s home to determine eligibility, explains the program, and provides information on community resources and services. Once enrolled, onboarded, and receiving home-delivered meals, participants are reassessed every three months, either by phone or a home visit, to determine continued eligibility. Determination is made by the participant’s ability to perform activities of daily living without assistance, the amount of support currently being provided, and how frequently the participant is able to leave their house.
I live outside of Sacramento County. Can I still receive lunch from Meals on Wheels?
Meals on Wheels Sacramento County specifically serves cities and communities within Sacramento County. Please see our Service Areas page for a list of Meals on Wheels programs in neighboring counties.